My Services

Non-judgmental, trauma-informed help for mental distress, religious deconstruction and spiritual formation

Which service fits your need?

Psychotherapy, pastoral counsel, and spiritual direction share overlapping concerns, but provide very different forms of assistance. Reflect on the comparison provided here and determine which one is right for you.


If the help you need is primarily about religious identity, pastoral counseling can help you delve into the personal and theological struggles you’re having. If the help you need is primarily about spiritual formation, spiritual direction can deepen your experience of the divine. If the help you need is primarily about psychological distress, therapy can help identify and resolve those issues. If you’re unsure which is best, please feel free to reach out for a free phone consultation.

Under the licensing standards of the State of Oregon and ethical standards of the American Counseling Association I will orient our work together around YOUR values and priorities.

I practice Christian spiritual formation and pastoral counseling from a broad, ecumenical and Trinitarian perspective, while honoring the diverse views and experiences of my clients. Though this is  one source of my personal values, I practice therapy from an evidence-based, peer reviewed, orientation.

Some issues put local pastors in a conflict of interest, such as members dealing with a crisis of faith or experiencing burnout. I am able to provide independent counsel without the pressure of trying to keep you involved in serving or giving to the church.

Because the nature of therapy demands a protected space separate from the social and relational obligations in the rest of your life in order to be psychologically effective – and in order for it not to be harmful. It is legally required for that reason. Pastoral and spiritual companionship may benefit from this, but can still be effective without it, depending on the client’s needs.

I am a cash only practice for now, for the sake of client autonomy and privacy. This allows more choice for clients, protects them from imposed limitations of treatment and prevents companies from selling or using your health information.

Questioning deeply held beliefs can be painful and complicated. My goal is to help and challenge you to arrive at a place that feels truly honest and authentic to you – not to proselytize or influence you in any particular direction and certainly not to defend any religion, institution or practice.

The primary difference is that pastoral counseling is about working out our beliefs, trauma or struggles ABOUT God and spiritual direction is an attempt to grown in our direct experience OF God. Sometimes it’s helpful to do both.

I can’t. No one can. We are each shaped by our subjective experience. But I am able to make room for different beliefs and experiences without judging, criticizing, or trying to assimilate them. Though this value comes from my religious belief it allows me to learn from and embrace those whose values do not stem from the same beliefs.

Each state carries different legal standards that must be met. My graduate studies take place under the licensure of my supervisor, who is licensed in Oregon.

I am currently seeing adults only, apart from adolescents assigned to me by my supervisor.

All services promise, in writing, strict confidentiality and release of information only upon your written permission or in cases of threatened mortal harm to yourself or someone else (such as a child or a vulnerable adult).


If you need help but don’t know exactly what you’re looking for at this point in your healing journey, please reach out and schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation.